Our Physiotherapists are experts in the structure of the human body and its movement. They work with people of all ages to treat a broad range of health conditions including sports injuries and musculoskeletal conditions as well as chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis and stroke.
They are involved in the assessment, diagnosis, planning and management of patient care.

Our Dietitians are experts in food and nutrition. They provide guidance about how to appropriately manage diets and nutrition for people who may be affected by health conditions such as diabetes, overweight and obesity, cancer, heart disease, renal disease, gastro-intestinal diseases and food allergies.
They can help people maintain their health and reduce their risk of developing chronic disease.


Occupational therapy service (OT) is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory, or cognitive problems. Our Occupational Therapists can help them regain independence in all areas of their lives.
They also help with barriers that affect a person's emotional, social, and physical needs. To do this, they use everyday activities, exercises, and other therapies.
Our Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who’s an expert in the field of psychiatry — the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.
They assess both the mental and physical aspects of psychological conditions. They can diagnose and treat those conditions.
Psychiatrists typically treat more complex mental health conditions than psychologists, especially ones that require medication or medical treatments.

Our Podiatrists are expert in foot care. They can help people in the care of their lower limbs including the foot and ankle and may also be involved in supporting older people to reduce their risk of falling.
They provide a wide range of services from the treatment of calluses to the treatment of bone and joint disorders. For conditions such as recurring sprains and chronic pain, they can also prescribe foot orthoses.

Our Psychologists have the professional training and clinical skills to help people learn to cope more effectively with life issues and mental health problems.
Some specific issues that our psychologists are trained to deal with include:
Fears, phobias, and anxiety problems
Eating and weight control problems
Improving relationships between people
Stress and chronic pain
Depression and grief
Sleeping problems
Compulsive and addictive behaviour
Personal growth Etc